Is myocarditis rare? Or common? Let's find out.
The claim is that myocarditis is rare and that are only around 1,000 cases in young people. Really?!? Let's find out. If you work in healthcare, please fill out my myocarditis/pericarditis survey
The Thailand study showed nearly 30% of young people have measurable cardiac injuries post-vaccine. The CDC says such cases are rare. Someone isn’t telling the truth. Can you guess who is lying?
Let’s find out.
This is a short survey if you work in healthcare in the US
If you work in healthcare in the US, please fill out this survey about your observations of the rate of myocarditis in those under 25 years old during 3 periods:
Post-COVID, Pre-vaccine
The survey
Here’s the survey.
Here are the survey results.
Estimating the number of cases
We’re going to do a mathematical extrapolation from the reporters to estimate the rate of cardiac issues caused by these vaccines.
So it should be very interesting.
It's R.A.R.E: Radical Arrhythmia Realized Early.
The words “safe,” “effective” and “rare” were laid on so thick that my bullshit detector immediately activated. It also helped that I got COVID pre vaccine and it was nothing but a cold.