In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone!
A tale of three countries:
In Austria, they’ve figured out the vaccines are dangerous, so the Health Minister is now blaming the doctors.
In New Zealand, the data clearly shows the vaccinated have higher all-cause mortality, so their solution is more vaccines and they bury the papers showing the vaccines are the problem.
In Australia, the mandates are gone and a few people are coming to realize they goofed big time.
SuperSpreader, who is one of my readers, pointed out that the Austrian Health Minister is now blaming doctors for not informing patients of the health risks of vaccines. But, of course, doctors aren’t allowed to blame the vaccines so they are the perfect scapegoats.
Austrian Minister Of Health Shifts Responsibility For Vaccine Damage To Doctors | AnonTimes
You can read more here:
New Zealand: the vaccinated have higher mortality than the unvaccinated so the solution is more vaccines!!!
The narrative is unraveling in New Zealand as this paper by John Gibson points out that the vaccinated are more likely to die than the unvaccinated.
But no finger pointing in New Zealand!
In New Zealand, the traditional media will not cover any research that is counter-narrative because they are so beholden to government funding. For example, in May the NZ government spent an average of $67 (USD$45) PER DOSE on advertising, and all told it has been about $50 million spent on government advertising on the vaccines. On top of that there is a "public interest journalism fund" that gives about another $100 million of government money to the media. So the public only hears one side of the narrative.
So what do the “experts” in New Zealand like Otago University epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker do?
Baker called for new mRNA vaccines to be rolled out urgently!!!!
No matter how bad the data is, these guys are just never going to point the finger at the vaccines that are making things worse.
For more on this, check out this article The First Pandemic War—highly Vaccinated New Zealand Admits It Is Losing the Battle.
You’ll love it. They admit they are losing that battle so the solution is to keep doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result.
Gibson’s earlier paper, Public misunderstanding of pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trials may contribute to New Zealand’s adoption of a costly and economically inefficient vaccine mandate, pointed out that “if the public misunderstanding described here persists, a continuation of inefficient vaccine mandates whose costs exceed benefits is likely.” He was exactly right of course. That is precisely what has happened and will continue to happen. New Zealand will likely be the last place on Earth that they will figure this out.
They are backing off the vaccine mandates now.
Read Vanishing vaccine mandates: No apology from our once-so-zealous public health officials which says:
Thus, after more than two years of advising premiers to abandon their pandemic plans and paralyse the entire country until everyone was immunised with experimental vaccines, it seems that our public health officers were wrong. Oops. Not only has Australia wasted billions of dollars on lockdowns, it has damaged the health of the vast majority of Australians by making them more vulnerable to infection with Covid.
On the other hand, consider this comment from a reader in Australia:
I think you were overly optimistic about Australia's position. While there are small signs the authorities are backing away from some measures, the shots are still mandated for many categories of workers and one premier has called for health workers to have a mandatory booster shot. All of our governments are still pushing the shots at every opportunity, including for children. Further, the Queensland CHO recently said that masks may need to come back for some indoor settings because case numbers are rising rapidly. I think he only raised it to gauge public reaction. The corporate media are still not reporting anything that contradicts governmental propaganda on the virus, the shots, the war, or inflation. From reading comments in social media, it appears that a large percentage of our population are still screaming, "Govern me harder Daddy!" We have such a long way to go.
Sorry forgot to mention that those 'safe vaccines' have killed over 27,000 Americans according to VAERS, and severely injured over a million now. The fallout - Gullain-Barre syndrome, Bell's Palsy, neurological problems, dementia, myocarditis and pericarditis, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, a huge increase in cancer with people in remission getting their cancer back., etc. A Harvard study showed that only 1% of all vaccine 'adverse events' are reported to VAERS. Do the math! Over 1111 athletes have dropped on the field this past year with cardiac conditions or died
Check out the CDC's website: According to them all these adverse events are 'RARE'. I guess they forgot to look at their own database and stats!
In our family we have three individuals who are now vaccine injured...all with myocarditis , one coughing up blood - ages 49, 22, and 20. All perfectly healthy before their jabs. One had to be resuscitated on site and taken to emerge. We know four young 15-year olds who also now have myocarditis after their jabs. Myocarditis WAS a RARE longer! But of course the sudden huge increase in cases has nothing to do with the jabs! The prognosis for myocarditis is 2-5 years. That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Remdesivir, which Dr. Fauci has pushed hospitals and us all to use as THE drug to treat COVID, is a failed drug. It was used during the Ebola crisis and was the only one of four drugs that was pulled as too dangerous. It killed people and animals in Africa during the Ebola crisis. Fauci knew that when he mandated U.S. hospitals use Remdesivir with their COVID patients...even paid them for it. Remdesivir causes renal failure. What does renal failure do...fill the lungs with fluid. Then the person is put on a ventilator which basically drowns the patient in their own fluids! Great treatment...and of course that 'horse barn' stuff called Ivermectin along with Hydroxychloroquine are 'misinformation' and banned. Anyone who tries to use it to actually treat and save their patients is fired, has their license stripped from them, de-listed, de-platformed, etc.
Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2017, as the most useful and safe multipurpose drug in the world. ..for...that's right...HUMANS!!! It's been used with humans for 40 years to treat River Blindness, Elephantiasis, Lupus, parasites and many other diseases. However, Merck doesn't make any money off it as it is now out of patent and only costs 20-30 cents. per pill Merck's 'new Ivermectin' they just developed costs $712 per pill! Think of all those people in Africa who need the drug and can no longer afford it, or all those people with lupus or autoimmune diseases who need it and now can't get it. But...according to the press, it belongs in a horse barn!
In the states of Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India they gave out COVID kits to anyone who might have symptoms or been exposed to COVID. The kit cost less than $2 and contained...wait for it...Yes, that banned substance called IVERMECTIN and HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, plus Vitamin C, D, Quercetin, and Zin, plus an oximeter. Their COVID cases plummeted, while in New Delhi, which is next door to Uttar Pradesh, they used Remdesivir, etc. and their rates of COVID deaths skyrocketed!
The vilified Robert F. Kennedy, jr's site, , often has the stats from various countries that the CDC hates to see published. Biden named him one of the 'misinformation 12' along with Dr. Joseph Mercola and several others who have been outspoken about the mandates and jabs. Ironic isn't it that they are accused of using 'dark money' from 'foreign groups', and nothing said about the shenanigans of the World Economic Forum that is behind most of this...long planned!
Someone forgot to mention Canada...hotbed of the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with the Netherlands. Some of the most draconian COVID mandates in the world. The unvaccinated still can't board planes without the ArriveCAN ID! Justin Trudeau is a member of the Global Leaders of the WEF that Klaus Schwab has praised recently and said he has "penetrated over half of Canada's Cabinet" our Deputy PM, Crystia Freeland (of Nazi origins and sympathies in the Ukraine) and several others in our government!
Bonnie Henry, the Medical Officer of Health for British Columbia, is on trial at the moment for her pandemic mandates, which completely negated/ignored the 2017 national pandemic plans Canada had in place. She, along with all our other MOH's in other provinces, claimed immunity from prosecution through Federal Cabinet confidentiality, but a judge has just told her she isn't covered by their confidentiality clause, so the truth is about to come out! So far, the trial evidence has shown that all the mandates were politically driven...from the PM's office and health or science backing their decisions! Oh, I forgot to mention. She received around $400,000 as a bonus for her pandemic work, over and above her six figure salary.
Also, isn't it interesting that the leaders of Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India and more are ALL part of the Global Leadership group of the WEF. Just who did we vote for during out unnecessary and two years early pandemic election. here in Canada...certainly not the WEF!
Dr. Tedros, the head of the WHO, is not even a doctor, and was appointed by his WEF buddies. He was responsible for thousands of deaths in Ethiopia and the Sudan in a cholera epidemic he mismanaged. He's been accused by a group of American doctors of genocide! And this is the guy they want to put in charge of our entire world's health....over and above our governments. Our Ethiopian community here pales when his name is mentioned! He openly praises China's Shanghai response to the pandemic, where people were locked up in draconian style for over a month.
Trudeau also admires China and responded when asked which country he admired the most, "China, because their dictatorship allows them to deal with their economy in a way we can't in a democracy." Yes, the PM of Canada who ran as a Liberal not a Commie!