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Why I didn’t add your name
I apologize for the inconvenience.
I tried to add the email of everyone who replied, but unfortunately, Substack’s tools don’t actually allow you to add names from a spreadsheet. The tool says this is permitted, but as you can see, it doesn’t work at all: emails were recognized but zero were added after I tried twice to add them.
I love crypto. Filled out the form and subscribed to your other substack. Had some funny ups and downs with the crypto market, made all the requisite mistakes early on, had to learn the hard way but seeing what's happening now with the central banks collapsing, I'm glad I got into crypto early-ish (for a latecomer.) This should make perfect sense to anyone who's in crypto.
The first principle of investing is to preserve your assets.
A little warning to others; years ago I lost a lot of money with mining and pharma stocks. There are just too many pump and dump schemes out there. Every major rise becomes a basis for more reckless "investments" which are more or less just another form of gambling. The best investment is a successful self employed business.