I want to fund a study of people who died within 30 days of vaccination
Is there any researcher anywhere in the US who will take my money? Anywhere in the world? The Schwab study alone indicates the COVID vaccines have killed well over 6,520 Americans.

Executive summary
The CDC doesn’t want anyone doing autopsies on people who might have died from the vaccine. The reason is simple: there is no upside. It can only end badly for them.
But I want to know the truth. I’m willing to pay any researcher anywhere in the US to examine the tissue samples of people who have died within 30 days of getting a COVID vaccine. If I can’t find anyone in the US, I’m open to funding anyone anywhere in the world.
It is amazing to me that nobody else is stepping forward to offer funding for this.
If you are a qualified researcher skilled in pathology and are willing to do the study, I’m willing to fund it. Respond here if you are interested in getting funds or helping to fund the study.
In the Schwab study, we learned that the vaccine killed at least 14% of the people who died within 20 days of the vaccination.
But they only focused on the most obvious cases. I believe the number is higher than that.
I’d like to find out just how bad it really is by looking at all the tissue samples of those who died within 30 days of vaccination.
The bare minimum death estimate based on the Schwab study
3.4M people die a year in the US. So if 75% are vaccinated and we look at all deaths over 20 days, that’s 46,575 people.
14% of that is 6,520. So that’s the very minimum estimate of Americans killed by the vaccine. The actual number is much much higher.
What is stunning to me is that if an eyedrop kills three people, it is recalled. When a vaccine (which is a purely optional intervention meant to save lives) kills, at a bare minimum, 6,520 people, we basically look the other way and try to mandate it for everyone and tell people it is safe and effective.
I want to estimate the real numbers based on histopathology of people who died within 1 month after vaccination. We can expand the study from there once we look at the first 30 days.
A more reasonable “bare minimum” estimate
"Of 35 fatalities within 20 days of injection, 10 were ruled out as clearly not due to the vaccine (eg drug overdose). The remaining 25 (71%) had final diagnoses consistent with a vaccine injury syndrome including myocardial infarction, worsening heart failure, vascular aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, fatal stroke, and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia."
So we can take our 6,520 and multiply by 71/14 and get 33,065 American killed using the very optimistic assumption that the virus kills people ONLY within the first 20 days.
Is there any researcher anywhere in the world willing to do this research which is simply an expanded version of the Schwab study? Respond here.
And what about the people who have had three four five shots and then found out they have a horrific disease like cancer, ALS, and all the other diseases that have popped up in people since getting all of the shots. And how about all the people who have died suddenly? They all need to be studied.
If the CDC admits to 6,000 dying from the jab, then it's probably more like 600,000 COVID vaxx deaths. The COVID criminals must be held accountable.