I have a lot of blood under my RPE... that is the problem
I have a subretinal hemorrhage (SRH). The good news is I have <500 microns of blood under my retina. That can be cleared with surgery. The BAD news is I have lots of blood under my RPE that cannot.
I have a subretinal hemorrhage (SRH). This caused <500 microns of blood under my retina. This can be easily cleared through surgery (injecting TPA + gas bubble).
The big problem is that there is a substantial amount of clotted blood under the very thin RPE layer. If this blood isn’t cleared within about 1 week from now, my RPE will die and so will my vision. Forever.
My data
Here are my scans.
Why this matters
No blood to the RPE —> RPE dies. So any heroic feats to save vision at a higher level are ultimately doomed to failure.
There is no known way to clear blood clots from under the RPE
The good news: the faster that happens, the greater the likelihood of a good outcome.
The bad news is two-fold:
All the experts say there is nothing I can do.
I have less than 7 days to figure this out before my eye dies of starvation.
This is not a new problem. It is an old problem with no known solution.
So, right now, I am up a creek without a paddle and I have less than a week to find a paddle.
Ideas? Suggest in the comments
If anyone knows of a method with data which can accelerate blood clearance from under the RPE, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Angela Wulbrecht is my treatment triage nurse, so she’ll be reading all your comments below.
Things that have been suggested include:
3 times a day take 10 to 16 pills of Serrapeptase or Lumbrokinase. The problem with this is potentially causing a rebleed and making things worse.
A-C Carbamide: Take two tablets, 2X/day.
Red/NIR light therapy 3X per day for 1 minute on Red, 1 minute NIR (e.g., using SunPowerLED); start 3 or 4 inches from eye with both eyes closed.
The good news is that if a treatment works, it can be measured on an OCT.
So that’s the good news. The bad news is I have less than 7 days left.
You might want to look into BEMER technology, (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) it is a class 2 medical device from Germany that sends a PEMF signal to the body (you can target your eyes) this increases blood flow in the microcirculation, it helps delivery oxygen and nutrients and also aids in the removal of metabolic waste. Many https://emerginghealth.bemergroup.com/en_US/human-line/home
This I got minutes ago:
Reports of Eye Disorders Spike After COVID Shots
by Rishma Parpia - Published August 6, 2024
I do hope, this helps.