How you can show the world that I am spreading misinformation
I made a handy list for trolls seeking to prove that I am spreading misinformation. Simply show that what I'm saying is wrong by producing more credible evidence showing the opposite is true.
Executive summary
There seems to be no end of people who purport to be champions of science who seek to discredit me and claim that I am spreading misinformation.
In the interest of exposing who is telling the truth and who is not, it’s important to make this easy.
That is what this article is about.
Simply respond to as much as the evidence here as you are able and show either that 1) I misinterpreted the data or 2) an explanation for why it is misleading and the correct answer.
For example, Wayne Root has gathered data showing dramatically higher rates of death and injuries in his vaccinated friends. All you have to do is find some verifiable anecdotes showing even more dramatic statistics the other way for someone with a roughly equal number of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed friends. Simple!
Since the vaccines are so safe and effective, for every bad anecdote I can cite, there should be hundreds that are even more dramatic the other way. Funny thing is that nobody seems to know about them.
Similarly, for every survey showing the vaccines are causing injuries and deaths, there must be hundreds of surveys showing the opposite. Where are they?
So if you want to debunk one of my twitter polls, show a more credible twitter poll showing the opposite. If you want to debunk a follower poll, show a more credible follower poll showing the opposite result and allow me to verify each of the entries. If you want to debunk one my third party polls (Pollfish, etc), simple show your poll using the same independent polling company showing the opposite result.
Another example: I have 3,400 papers in the scientific literature showing the vaccines are associated with serious injuries. To counter, you can show >3,400 papers showing the vaccines cause minimal injuries. Or you can show that there are 3,400 papers written about the flu vaccine showing a comparable range of serious injuries associated with the flu shot. This should be easy since the flu shot has been given to far more people than the COVID shots.
If you want to dispute the v-safe data, simply show that people have an 8% rate of hospitalization following the flu shot.
If you think my per country data is wrong, saying it is wrong is insufficient evidence. You would need to produce the “correct” graph of the same measurement over the same periods of time and tell us what your source was so I can compare it with my sources.
For meta-articles (dozens of bullet points), simply cherry pick those bullet points you are able to refute with evidence.
Hand-waving arguments are not acceptable without evidentiary support of the argument, e.g., VAERS was over-reported is a hand-waving argument. You have to have evidence of that. For example, I paid thousands of dollars to survey healthcare workers on their VAERS reporting habits. They didn’t suddenly change on Jan 1, 2021. Just because certain requirements change, it doesn’t mean that people’s behavior changes.
To make your job as easy as possible, you can cherry pick any specific piece of evidence. You can pick a single bullet point, or a single slide. You don’t have to refute the entire slide deck. If there are multiple points, focus your energies on refuting those key points that are most important to public health.
In short, if you want to refute my evidence, show evidence that is as credible or more credible showing the opposite result. It’s that simple.
And you must be willing to engage in discussion to defend your attack on my evidence.
You should follow me on Twitter so I can DM you to ask questions about your rebuttal such as sources that may not be provided, etc. I’m interested in the truth and if I’m wrong, I will correct my articles.
This is a target rich environment and I’m letting you take your best shot. If you can’t refute anything under those terms, that would not be impressive.
Make sense?
Evidence that the COVID vaccines aren’t safe and/or effective
Debunk the following which collectively show that the COVID vaccines are doing more harm than good:
Respond to the written challenge here which deals with recommending the vaccine for kids.
Explain why there are over 17,000 US death reports in VAERS. It’s not from background events because the death categories don’t match background deaths. If it wasn’t the vaccine, what is causing the deaths?
How can Rasmussen poll America and find the number of deaths caused by the vaccine is comparable to the number of deaths caused by the virus? Isn’t that unprecedented? If it isn’t unprecedented, when has it happened before?
Explain how the rate of doctor visits can be so high in the v-safe database if the vaccine is so safe. How can 8% require medical care? And why did the CDC fight so hard to not release this data if it shows the vaccines are so safe? How can the Rasmussen poll get an event worse result (7% of the 70% vaccinated had a major side effects so that is a 10% rate)? Doesn’t that suggest that the v-safe database is underestimating the harms? If not, please show us your poll results done by a respected independent third-party market research firm so we can compare. We aren’t aware of a single poll like that. Why, if the vaccines are so safe, are they avoiding doing these polls?
How can independent surveys show that the vaccine kills as many people as COVID did?
Do you have a counter-anecdote to Wayne Root’s statistics? He’s 57:3 for vaxxed:unvaxxed serious injuries/deaths. Heard anyone whose stats are the reverse? See the original story. Wayne has roughly an equal number of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed friends (because he’s a conservative).
I did an injury/death survey where 1,000 people responded. I have the contact info for all respondents. Here is the survey and here are the results. There was no incentive to lie or make up numbers and all results are verifiable. If this survey is not reliable, can you point to a survey which is reliable?
I can easily produce doctor stories where the doctors say that a large number of their patients are worse off after getting the vaccine such as this story where 80% of the doctors vaccinated patients are worse off. Can you supply success anecdotes for doctors, cardiologists, first responders, nursing homes, geriatric practices, funeral homes, and embalmers where the vaccinated clients in their practices were significantly better off than the unvaxxed clients?
In the case [2022] SGHC 141 in Singapore, evidence presented showed that the government statistics showed that on April 10, 2022, there were no unvaccinated patients in the ICU for ages 70 and above. The government removed the data from their website. So we have an admission and then a confirmation that the government agrees the results were damaging because they deliberately removed the data from public view. See page 54.
Sorli paper concludes: “COVID-19 vaccines increased the mortality rate.” Did he get it wrong?
The Pfizer RCT didn’t show an all-cause mortality benefit. Where is the RCT showing this?
I just talked with Alina Lessenich who put together a COVID vaccine injury treatment protocol. It’s written in German and it’s been downloaded 1.5M times. There are only 80M people in Germany. How can this be so popular if the COVID vaccine is so safe and adverse events are so rare and resolve quickly?
Vaccine adverse reaction papers: Simply show how these 3,400 papers in the peer-reviewed literature are wrong. There have never been 3,400 papers showing vaccine harms for any vaccine in history. That alone should tell you we’ve been lied to.
Note that as of Jun 28, 2023 links are currently non-functional, but the titles are accurate and you can get each paper with a simple Google search. I’ve reported the problem to React19.Questions I’d love to ask Congresswoman Anna Eshoo… that she’ll never answer
My testimony in the Pennsylvania Senate June 9, 2023 (Twitter 2M views) (4 minute) (full testimony)
If I’m wrong about the vaccines being unsafe, why not join the one person brave enough to bet money against me? He was only willing to bet $500K so you can help him fill the pot.
Any issues raised in any of the thousands of Substack articles written by me and my friends
Vaccines cause autism
See the written challenge here
Accept my $5M bet. You can bet against me for $10,000 or more.
No vaccines —> better health outcomes
Finding one error does not invalidate the list
If you want to fully debunk what I have claimed, you must debunk the entire list. If you want to show that most of what I say is false, you can simply debunk at least half the items (you can even cherry pick the items).
Not everyone agrees with his. For example, according to “Facts are good” if he finds one error and debunks it his satisfaction without my concurrence, it means I am a misinformation spreader. So by his definition, pretty much everyone in the world is a “misinformation spreader.”
If you want to post a rebuttal, I’ll post it here
There are three sections to this post: COVID, autism, all vaccines.
If you want to create a rebuttal to any of the three sections, you can post a link you your full rebuttal to the PINNED comment so everyone will see it.
For example, “Danny” is a debunker of COVID misinformation who is followed by Susan Oliver:
I told Danny he is free to cherry pick anything single numbered point in this document he wants to debunk. He’s not a real scientist (he believes that surveys are not evidence), so I suggested he start with item 21 above which is 3,400 papers in the peer-reviewed literature showing vaccine harms that were compiled by React-19. This is always a good starting point for debunkers, because most scientists trust the peer-reviewed literature. So if Danny can’t show these papers are flawed, he’s pretty much lost the game. There have never been 3,400 papers showing vaccine harms for any vaccine in history. That alone should tell you we’ve been lied to.
If you want to challenge me, read this excellent essay by Norman Doidge, “Medicine’s Fundamentalists” regarding using the all-available-evidence approach.
Science is about explaining all observations with your hypothesis, not just RCT evidence. If you have the right hypothesis, you can explain all the evidence.
Just respond to as many of the numbered points above as you are able and publish it and post your link in the comments.
I’m looking forward to learning how I got it wrong.
If you disagree with me, you are welcome to post a hyperlink here to a document which responds to any of the points I made in this post.
Please, reply here **ONLY*** if you are posting a rebuttal to any of the points in my post. Otherwise, it will be deleted. This makes it easy for everyone to see the legitimate rebuttals.
Be sure to include your Twitter ID and follow me on Twitter so I can respond via DM. Thanks.
If I made a mistake, I will acknowledge it and correct it as I have done in the past.
I just found this and you have not made a case for "the existence of a virus" and you hand-waved away the facts.
(1) Show us the proof in a single paper (because that's all it should take) that the sequence you claim that can be ordered online, came from a "virus".
(2) Explain why there needs to be 6 publications to prove a single virus? Bardens vs Lanka?
(3) Why do you misconstrue Bardens vs Lanka? It is CASE LAW that the original paper [Enders et al 1954] on the debunked measles virus DOES NOT HAVE ANY PROOF OF THE MEASLES VIRUS. You left that out of your "settling the virus debate" diatribe. You also omitted the fact that within that paper, the control experiment was mentioned, and it was mentioned that THE RESULTS DID NOT DIFFER IN ANY WAY from the experiment containing the alleged virus containing sample, AND Lanka, on April 21st, 2021 repeated what was done in the original paper AND GOT THE SAME RESULTS.
You also omitted the fact that there were three judges, and for the first time in history of that court did they reveal publicly the verdict, it was 3 to 0 in favor of Lanka. Not a single judge was in favor of Bardens.
Furthermore, the reason Bardens was rejected to escalate this further, is because the powers that be don't want an even higher court to establish NO VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED. And people have purposely obtained FINES in order to get an opportunity to fight the fine in court, using the same argument of NO VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN DENTIFIED, based on NO CONTROL EXPERIMENT EVER DONE IN VIROLOGY. Amazingly, these cases get dropped! EXPLAIN WHY? SINCE IT SHOULD BE EASY TO MAKE THE FINE STICK, HECK, THEY COULD JUST CONTACT YOU, AND YOU CAN TELL THEM ABOUT THE "SEQUENCE" IS THE PROOF! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Or maybe they can contact one of your lackeys? Here is one of the challengers before the case and after the court ran away and this guy has a firm that helps others win cases, using the fact that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST.
(4) You are the one running from the challenge. All you have to do is repeat what Lanka did in April, or what Enders et al did, and THEN TELL US IF YOU FIND A "VIRUS"! You wont. Neither will any of your lackies.
(5) And here is 1,500,000 euros for you to compensate you after you find a virus AND YOU DO REQUIRE DOCUMENTATION OF A CONTROL EXPERIMENT! And this is why team no virus does not WASTE TIME WITH YOU, because you will not do a control experiment, but rather "you want to come to some agreement of the setup" so that you can exclude having to do the required, by legitimate science, control experiment! YOU ARE DISINGENUOUS! But you accuse team virus of being so. Don't you know what you say is what you are?
EDIT: (6) As to why you got sick, there is nothing new there, people have been getting sick for thousands of years, the Chinees called it "the influence" and we call it the flu, and the influence refers to a seasonal change in weather and daylight hours, it gets cooler and there is less light, this triggers the body into detox mode, simple. You have NO PROOF of a magic football passed from your wife to you, as the reason why you got sick. That's a strawman logical fallacy. Studies have been done, where they take mucous from sick people and swab the throats, put drops in the eyes etc of healthy people, and not a single one gets sick. So, how do you claim "your wife made you sick"? STOP MAKING UNSUPPORTED CLAIMS! You cannot get out of doing a control experiment!
(7) As to why people are having breathing problems, one needs to look at the CHEMTRAILS IN THE SKY! About 10 years ago, people were posting their blood tests online, water sample tests etc. and all had high levels of aluminum, barium, strontium. Did you ever think that breathing problems might be related to the air?
(8) Why on earth would you claim Bill Gates and Fauci funded studies have any credibility???
1,500,000 € REWARD! corona virus scientific proof (requires documented control experiment) Let's go!
Virologists Never Do A Control Experiment!
{The control experiment is to do everything the same except do not add any supposed "virus sample" and see what happens, are the results different or the same?}
The way virologists go about "proving" they have detected "a virus" is fraudulent and unscientific. A TOTAL SCAM! If viruses were a thing, they would be easily detected in and directly isolated from the blood or sputum, by Gel Electrophoresis — is a laboratory method used to separate mixtures of DNA, RNA, or proteins according to their sizes — which is avoided by virologists, the CDC, the WHO, and government stooges! So, instead of using this legitimate method of direct detection, virologists invented an indirect fraudulent method, using monkey kidney cells in a petri dish in the lab. To this they add toxic chemicals, and contaminants (antibiotics and other sources of genetic material from cows in addition to the monkey kidney already there) which causes the monkey cells to die — this is the cytopathic effect or CPE — and into this contaminated mixture of dead and dying cells they add the alleged "virus containing snot" (additional genetic contamination because of all the junk in the snot like bacteria and fungi etc.) — and say that the observed cytopathic effect is caused by a virus! In the sample! Completely ignoring the fact that they killed the cells PRIOR TO adding the sample! — They call it "activation", they must "activate" the cells ahead of time before adding the sample! — And that is supposed to be "proof of a virus"? Ya right! — A TOTAL SCAM!
From this initial "proof", they take pictures of the junk from the mixture, with an electron microscope and point to a few cherry-picked images of weird shapes and claim that they have photographed "a virus". (Which you will learn below is fragments of dead cells.) What a joke!!!!! — A TOTAL SCAM!
Step three is to "sequence the genome" of the nonexistent virus. To do this — they use a computer program that builds a Frankenstein virus from the contaminated mixture — it does this by matching pieces of DNA in the mixture to a patented (by Bill Gates) template of genetic sequences!!!— A TOTAL SCAM!
So, let's see how EASY IT IS to expose this three part scam! In two words: CONTROL EXPERIMENT. The control experiment is the cornerstone of legitimacy in science. In this case, to claim that the cytopathic effect (CPE) indicates the presence of a virus, you must rule out all other possible causes, which in this case means to run the experiment without adding the alleged "virus containing sample" and see if the results are the same or different, without the sample. It turns out the results are THE SAME, WITH OR WITHOUT THE SAMPLE. The same cytopathic effect (CPE), the same pictures with the electron microscope, and you can use any template, to pull out any virus you want, from a single dead cell mixture.