Have you been able to red pill other people? How did you get red pilled?
Share YOUR stories in the comments and maybe we can find a pattern that we can exploit on a mass scale to convert people to seeing reality. Thank you to Susan Kulis for suggesting this idea.
If you were recently red-pilled or are able to red-pill others, please tell us your story. How did it happen and how long did it take? Please keep your stories brief and to the point. Thanks!
Note that the list you help make here is a key resource to help each of us red-pill our friends.
For example, the most successful person I know of had over a 95% success rate: She was their long-time doctor so there was a trust relationship and she answered their questions for an hour or more. So the key may be to red-pill doctors first. If you have a way to red-pill doctors, let me know.
I think my secret plan will red-pill a lot of doctors at the same time.
Thank you to Susan Kulis for suggesting this:
I have been carrying around "The Real Anthony Fauci," by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and reading it in doctor's waiting room (when I go to the doctor), diners and other public places. I had 100 business cards made with the cover of the book on it and use one as a bookmark. When someone asks about the book and wants to write down the title I say "Here, take this bookmark" which they do. This has happened about 10 times so far.
I don’t think I’ve red pilled a single person who was already blue pilled.
I think I’ve helped many who were unsure what to make of it all.
I have worked hard over months on several distant relatives who were blue pilled. Zero success. Even in people with PhDs in biological sciences.
I don’t know how to red pill a blue pilled person. Wish I did!