How bad is my batch?
Are some batches really bad? How big is a batch? Could it just be some bad vials in a batch? Could it just be reporting bias?
Did you get a jab from a “bad batch?”
There are two ways to find out:
Option 1: Created by Craig Paardekooper
Option 2: Created by Albert Benavides
"How To" video:
Are these sites accurate?
I haven’t written about this because some people who I rely on for advice believe that there are too many unknowns to make a determination as to whether increased adverse event reports are due to a bad “batch” or a bad “vial” or something else.
The unknowns include:
Is it a bad “batch” or some bad vials?
were certain sites just reporting more reliably so any vials sent there would appear more dangerous?
how many vials are in a particular lot?
where did all the vials of a given lot go?
could there have a been a problem in transit?
could there have been a problem with storage?
if a vial is not kept at the proper temperature, could it become dangerous?
what exactly are in these vials and why can’t we analyze them?
The inability for anyone to analyze these vials as well as the lack of transparency about each batch makes finding the answer to these questions very difficult.
I wonder if this is deliberate? Nah, couldn’t be!
A group of drs around me have been doing live blood analysis under a microscope in vaxxed, unvaxxed who did not have covid, unvaxxed who had (symptomatic, test-confirmed) covid.
We've done a few dozen ppl so far, none of them had any significant AEs beyond pain at injection site and they feel fine now.
Still, there are consistent patterns.
The jabbed (no matter how far out) ALWAYS have a lot of rouleax and/or large aggregations of RBCs.
We're not seeing the same in ppl who had symptomatic (even more serious) covid, unless they are longhaulers
And we're not seeing the same in healthy unjabbed ppl who did not have covid.
We've also had a chance to compare a few before 💉 and after samples and the changes are obvious.
Also, we checked how a drop of vax liquid mixes with a drop of blood under a microscope... when they mix, the RBCs kinda shrink, change shape and color.
Lastly, we compared covid vx liquid with mmr vx liquid... there were SO many foreign particles in the C vx as opposed to mmr, full of garbage.
This is consistent with what the pathologists from Reutlingen found as well as Dr. Fleming
Trust in healthcare system is unfounded, sorry to say. It's a grand marketing scheme and this covid panic is just an extension of it's tentacles.
The pharmaceutical industry has enough $ % money to not give a flip. Can't imagine how many thousands of lawsuits they would have to lose before the judgements equaled more than an "accounting error."
Modern man has been conditioned to accept side-effects and worsening conditions, under the guise, that without the magic Rx elixirs they would die a horrible death and there is no other solution.
The only way this beast will be slayed is to remove it's source of energy - prescription refills. To that end it's our job to get healthy and stop behavior that induces ill health.
(BTW Book on the subject of quality control vs. fraud: "Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom" by Katherine Eban)