How any state can learn the truth about COVID vaccine safety in under a week
It's trivially easy for any state in the US to find out the truth about the safety of the vaccines. It doesn't cost a dime and will take less than a week. Why don't they want to know?

John Beaudoin, whose impeccable work I can personally vouch for, recently sent me the following email:
If any state gives me access to their Immunization Information System (IIS) AND Vital records death certificates system to the detailed record levels, I will be able to correlate hundreds to thousands of deaths to the vaccine shots in a very short time with the search abilities I've automated. It will be done in a week. I'll fly anywhere in the USA to do it.
Will any state take John up on his free offer?
If not, why not?
Why don’t they want to know the truth? Do you think they might be hiding something? Can they explain why the public is safer if this research is not done?
About John Beaudoin
Here’s a reference on Vigilant Fox’s substack. It pretty much says it all:
I think this is a rhetorical question. However, there is the possibility a state like Florida might be open to doing it.
One of the things I've realized has characterized the last two years is that we've been forced to engage this whole debate with both arms tied behind our backs, but because the vaccines are so unsafe and so ineffective, there is still a large amount of evidence that keeps on emerging to challenge the narrative regardless of how much the people in charge are derelict in their duties.
I recently completed a series I was working on for a while on this topic:
It initially began as a refutation to Dr. Burnett's fact-check of the misfolded fibrin blood clot theory which was aimed at illustrating the pseudo-intellectual behavior most "experts" use to debunk any viewpoint that opposes the orthodoxy. I then realized that topic opened up a much more important discussion on what is happening with vaccinated blood as a lot of same deceptive patterns were being used to obfuscate and conceal all of the evidence showing something is clearly amiss. If you have the time to look at it please do. I spent about a week compiling all of the evidence on that subject and it is quite compelling.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair