Help me find the true post-jab anaphylaxis rate?
The number I've been using to estimate the underreporting rate in VAERS might be wrong. Can you help me determine the right number? This is important.
A study at Mass General Brigham (MGM) that assessed anaphylaxis in a clinical setting after the administration of COVID-19 vaccines published in JAMA on March 8, 2021, found “severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000 vaccinations.”
But I just heard from someone who works at a hospital in California that the actual rate of anaphylaxis is 2.5 per 1,500 vaccinations (they do 1,500 vaccinations a day and experience between 2 and 3 anaphylaxis events per day)
That number is 6.6X higher than the number I’ve been using.
Please use the contact form to report the rate of anaphylaxis at your organization.
I just watched the whole video. He just may be right about JFK's faked assassination.
If he is, it greatly lessons my esteem for that president. However, the truth has always
been most important to me. There are some red flags concerning this man's views. He
seems to be a great believer in astrology (a pagan form of sun worship.) I knew that
it was bogus before I was 20. (My mother believed in it.) He speaks about years from
now. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) Biblically and escatalogically I believe that the final years
of this age of 6000 years will end on a Yom Kippur between 2023 and 2027. A reset?
Don't think so! The green back will remain "green" and go with THEM into bug out
bunkers which they may be getting ready to go into now. ???
For "allergic reactions or anaphylaxis", this study put the number at 1 in 334 doses for a first dose of Pfizer or Moderna.
"Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Type and Adverse Effects Following Vaccination"