Please sign our petition to STOP the COVID vaccines (especially if you work in healthcare)
There are more than 500 articles in the peer-reviewed medical literature documenting vaccine injuries. These injuries affect an estimated 10M Americans. We stop baby formulas after just one death.
Executive Summary
In the US, we stop baby formula and shut down the plant if one infant has died and 3 are hospitalized. We recall peanut butter if 10 people become sick (nobody died). We should apply the same reasoning to the COVID vaccines which have caused around six orders of magnitude more damage.
Please sign our petition now to stop the COVID vaccines, especially if you are a healthcare professional. You can request we keep your name private which allows you to speak out without fear of retribution.
Please share this article.
In early 2022, the FDA advised people to stop using certain baby formulas after just 3 infants were hospitalized and one died.
We recall peanut butter if 10 people become sick (nobody died).
Yet we have a vaccine which has caused more than a million times as many injuries as baby formula and peanut butter, yet the government cannot detect any safety signals and wants to mandate that everyone get it:
Likely killed well over 100,000 Americans which was confirmed over 10 different ways. In addition, Survey results from over 10 different surveys provides independent confirmation of the VAERS estimates. See also Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far.
Based on information from the Israeli government showing an injury rate of over 4%, the vaccines have likely injured an estimated 10M Americans, many of them very seriously, including doctors. This statistics explains why there were COVID vaccine injury Facebook groups with hundreds of thousands of victims. These groups were obliterated from Facebook by Facebook employees so that nobody would know that the vaccines were so dangerous.
Caused hundreds of serious side effects documented in the VAERS public database. Nobody can explain these symptoms. It isn’t “over reporting” to VAERS because the relative frequencies of the symptoms do NOT match background rates. Nobody in academia will look at that. They simply dismiss all the data in VAERS because it is too damaging. Yet VAERS is THE official vaccine adverse event reporting system that the CDC tells people to use. They can’t tell people to use it and then ignore it.
Killed over 60% of elderly nursing home residents who died within 1 week of getting the vaccine in a nursing home near me. The press never covered the story and the nursing home doesn’t want to talk about it. Why not? It’s safe and effective isn’t it? I called the nursing home for comment, they said they’d call me back but never did. I wonder why?
Resulted in nearly 500 articles in the peer-reviewed medical literature documenting vaccine injuries.
Generated far more questions than anyone is willing to answer. In fact, we can’t get anyone to answer a single question from this list or this list or this list on camera. See also this recent slide presentation given at MIT on May 16, 2022.
Caused US physicians to lose their license if they speak out against the vaccine or treat people using repurposed drugs, even if they are telling the truth or the drugs being prescribed are proven in multiple published meta-analysis and systematic reviews, the highest level of evidence-based medicine.
If you are a healthcare professional, you don’t have to take my word for it: you’ve seen these injuries first hand. It’s why 75% of the doctors in the radiology department at UCSF/Marin got religious waivers. They didn’t suddenly become religious; they saw the injuries themselves first-hand.
Who signs the petition? 90% are either vaccine injured or know someone who is!
You can see the occupation and the category of who is signing here.
Apparently, the best “convincer” that these vaccines are dangerous is when you or someone you know is vaccine injured. See Figure 1 below.

Note that:
75% know someone who was injured or died from the COVID vaccine!
Just 10% don’t know anyone personally who is vaccine injured (or died).
So I should be able to get over 20M signatures on this petition!
Take action now. Please be on the right side of history.
Sign the petition to stop the COVID vaccines so we can let the world know just how many healthcare professionals and other concerned citizens believe it is time to stop these dangerous vaccines. You can request that your name and contact information is never publicly disclosed so you can avoid retaliation.
Please share this article with your friends in the medical community.
You can view the results here (all personal information has been redacted)
Finally, if you know someone who is vaccine injured, please read this article.
The comments in the database are really amazing. These are available in the link I provided. If you have people who are hard to convince, point them at the comments. Many of these anecdotes are impossible for a safe and effective vaccine.
Suggestion: put the title of this article and the URL in a word processing document. Copy and paste that about 20 times. Make the document two columns. Print it.
Now you have 20 "business cards" which you can cut out and hand to the medical professionals that you meet.