FAA Press Office responds: There will be no investigations into pilot death/disability caused by the COVID vaccines
The top management of the FAA needs to be gutted. This is unacceptable that they look the other way when pilots and flight attendants are killed or injured by the COVID vaccines.

Executive summary
The FAA is not investigating any pilot injury, disability, or deaths if it is associated with the COVID vaccines. They know about the incidents, but there is no investigation. When contacted, they have no comment as to why there are not investigating these incidents. The official story is “we haven’t seen a problem” but they haven’t seen a problem because they refuse to look.
The corruption is at the highest levels, e.g., Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup and FAA Deputy Administrator Bradley Mims. I’ve spoken to both of them directly. They are doing nothing to fix any of the problems I’ve identified and aren’t interested in talking to the injured pilots.
Attempts to reach out to the DOT press office to inform them of this problem have not been responded to.
On Jan 27, I filed a complaint with the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. I also placed a call into the chief of staff of Rep. Sam Graves who oversees the committee. Graves is a pilot and hopefully will resonate with the concerns.
There are thousands of very upset members of the aviation community over what is happening. For example, this note I just received moments ago:
I was fired as a pilot from United, after 21 years of service and a clean record, for not taking an unapproved experimental drug. I’m a retired Air Force pilot in addition and it’s awful to see the toll this has taken on our service members.
I wrote earlier that the Deputy Administrator of the FAA said “no comment” when I asked why the FAA was not investigating any pilot deaths/disability from the COVID vaccines. He said I should contact the press office.
I did and they replied.
I asked effectively “why aren’t you investigating these incidents?” and they gave a non-responsive reply that they’ve “seen no credible evidence” of a problem.
They didn’t answer my question as to why there were no investigations.
They haven’t seen the evidence because they REFUSE to investigate any incidents
Let’s be clear. I talked to Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup directly. I asked “Have you talked to Bob Snow?” Answer: “No.”
I asked, “Would you like to talk to him?” She said yes.
I gave her Snow’s phone number. She never called.
Let me be perfectly clear: heads need to roll at the FAA. This is completely unacceptable.
I have written to the press office at DOT. I pointed out the FAA was refusing to investigate any of these incidents. I asked: “Will Secretary Buttigieg look into this matter or let it slide?”
They declined to reply to my question. It appears he doesn’t care either.
Same is true for the CEOs of the major airlines. They just ignore all the pilot deaths and disabilities. Do you think Captain Snow ever got a call from the CEO of American Airlines after he nearly died from the jab. Nope. These CEOs do not care about the health and safety of their employees.
If you are outraged as I am with how these agencies are acting, PLEASE invest a few minutes of your time…
For the next 3 months, every time you take a trip on a plane, print out 10 copies of this flier and hand it to flight attendants, ticket counter representatives, and pilots (or ask the flight attendant to give it to the pilots).
Secondly, if you work in airline/airport infrastructure (pilot, flight attendant, baggage handler, air traffic controller, etc), please sign the petition and tell 10 of your friends to sign.
If everyone who reads this article takes this simple action, we will destroy the false “safe and effective” narrative when the FAA holds their public hearing and all the injured pilots and flight attendants testify (we estimate that there are thousands of them).
Our goal is to reach 100% of all pilots and flight attendants for every airline in the US.
We want to make sure everyone is informed that the FAA doesn’t give a shit about pilot safety and refuses to investigate any of these cases. That’s the first step.
It means:
At best, they would have to admit they were wrong about the jabs which would cause a cascade of dominoes falling at every corrupt 3 letter DC agency.
At worst, they've committed murder and are trying to cover their crimes in order to stay out of prison and/or the chair.
Have you realized yet that you are not dealing with rational moral people like you?
We often approach parties who are most likely guilty and try to get them to amend their ways, and I don't think I've ever seen this work. The reason seems straightforward: the guilty parties are simply not good people, and have been installed in their positions because they can be relied upon to serve the evil machinations.
I think it's time for a different approach. Instead of approaching the guilty parties, let's put our minds toward finding the people who have the power to cause significant levels of annoyance to the guilty parties. For example, let's not ask the FAA to investigate itself. Let's send packages of evidence to the people who have the power to instigate hostile investigations of the FAA, if there are any such people.
Other people will probably come up with much more delicious ways of causing trouble for our adversaries than I can. But let's stop approaching bad people and being disappointed when they don't do the right thing. Let's figure out what they would most dislike, and then help that actually happen.