Ernest Ramirez is our guest on Thursday's VSRF call
His only son was killed by the vaccine just 5 days after his first dose. Cardiac arrest. Today, FEMA wants him to sign a statement that his son's death was caused by COVID. That's how corrupt they are
He was a wonderful kid. I was a single dad who never had a father. Junior was a gift to me. When he was born, I took that on as a gift to me. We did everything together.
Junior had a heart of gold. We were always together. I didn't like baseball but he did, so I coached little league for seven years. He would come with me to all these biker benefits for Cancer charities I would help put on. We were always together.
He was my best friend. Camping. Fishing. He wanted to go into the Air Force. I told him anything you want to do, you can do. We lived paycheck to paycheck but he had everything he wanted. He wasn't spoiled but I took care of us. I felt like a millionaire.
Junior was respectful. He always shook hands. Looked people in the eyes. When I would come home from work he was always worried if I had eaten enough.
I visit him every Sunday. I'm tired of being without my son.
I got him a lowrider when he was 9 and he loved to help me tinker with cars and engines. My uncle had an old truck that we were going to give him. Christmas this year was hard. I didn't feel like presents. Every day is hard. He would make me feel like a king. We did everything together.
Ernesto Ramirez Jr. was 16 when he died from the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine just five days after his first dose. That was on April 24, 2021. Peter McCullough determined the death was caused by the vaccine. The CDC hasn’t been able to figure out the cause of death. Ernesto’s GoFundMe page was deleted by GoFundMe for violating their terms of service.
"The CDC hasn’t been able to figure out the cause of death"
"The CDC refuses to acknowledge the true cause of death"
There fixed it
I watched this man's testimony at Ron Johnson's panel on vax injuries and wept. As a mother of an only son, I don't know how he's making it. I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Ramirez and I pray for the comfort only God can give.