Epic Fail: MedCram founder tries to prove that anecdotes are unreliable
There have been nearly 10,000 died suddenly events since the vaccine rollout. Roger Seheult says this is nothing new, citing 30 sudden deaths before 2021. Seriously?? 30 << 10,000 last I checked.

Executive summary
I tweeted that “Anecdotes often paint a more accurate picture than gamed RCTs.”
MedCram founder Roger Seheult responded with a list of 30 sudden deaths before 2021 in his tweet in response. The goal is to try to gaslight you into believing that what you are experiencing with your own eyes is “normal.”
The problem is there have been around 10,000 sudden deaths since 2021 according to Mark Crispin Miller who is a legend for tracking these deaths. I just got off the phone with Mark to confirm that.
So my friend Roger needs another 9,970 examples to provide a credible rebuttal. He gave up after 30. Color me not impressed.
Does the phrase “A day late and a dollar short” ring a bell?
The tweets

Roger attempts to debunk me with his thread:

And Dr. Nice (with 321 followers) chimes in:

In the times we live in where there is deliberate hiding of record-level data, personal experience and anecdotes that can be independently verified are, more often than, higher quality evidence than the studies in the peer-reviewed literature that claim that the COVID vaccines are safe.
Isn’t it time to re-evaluate the evidence-based medicine pyramid?
The sheer number of these “died suddenly” anecdotes should cause any honest doctor with a working brain to re-examine their belief system.
I tried calling Roger to offer him record-level data from a State source proving he was wrong. He hung up on me and blocked me.
Real scientists never hide from people who want to show them credible data. Never.
Roger has been on the wrong side of these shots from the very beginning.
Dr Nice is correct- anecdotes SHOULD be a starting place, just like VAERS SHOULD show warning signals. but if you discount all anecdotes and you never bother to look in VAERS to see if there are safety signals, you never get to hypothesis building.
meanwhile, us common folk who maybe can't wait years for the double blind RCT funded by the drug company will have to rely on anecdotes as our ancestors did. that's what kept them alive- observing and recording what happened around them. how else did they learn what mushrooms were good to eat and which ones would kill them? anecdotes. how did italian grandmothers know to cook tomatoes with olive oil without RCTs to tell them about lycopene? taste, which is a shared cultural anecdote. how did your mother know to feed you homemade chicken soup when you were ailing? anecdotes, stories, wisdom passed down from her mother.
the people who poo-poo anecdotes are too stupid to learn from living in the real world. not all knowledge comes from a lab. maybe someday THE SCIENCE will discover that IVM was indeed effective for covid, all other viral diseases and cancer but we'll all be dead by then. until that glorious day when science catches up with what you always knew to be true, we can rely on anecdotes.
or perhaps, to put a more sinister spin on things, the people who poo-poo anecdotes want us to be helpless and to rely on them utterly .