Embalmer survey 2023: Over 75% are still seeing novel white fibrous clots
These clots were NEVER seen before COVID and the COVID vaccines. The CDC isn't interested in investigating. After all, it's only in around 20% of cases or around 600,000 Americans. No big deal.
Executive summary
The good news is that in 2023, just 20% of cases had these novel clots, down from 30% in 2022.
The CDC and FDA are still ignoring this. They still don’t want to know, even though nearly 80% of the embalmers surveyed are reporting seeing them.
These clots were never seen before COVID and after the COVID jabs, even more embalmers noticed them.
The data
The latest Embalmer survey (2023) (269 embalmers)
The earlier embalmer survey (120 embalmers)
Thanks to Tom Haviland, a retired USAF officer, for doing the survey.
The jabs are still killing massive numbers of people.
It seems highly likely that most of these cases are caused by the COVID vaccines.
20% of deaths is roughly around 600,000 Americans a year.
The mainstream medical community, mainstream media, the FDA, CDC, NIH, and Congress are all still doing nothing to investigate the issue and determine which are jab related and which are not.
600,000 American deaths a year and nobody cares.
What is it going to take to get their attention?
This is John from FuneralCalls.com . I do personally know one older embalmer who privately told me that he saw ONE case of fibrous clots in a decedent who died from AIDS in the 1980s. I think that's significant, and that there's a connection there that nobody has investigated.
Speaking of the alphabet and mainstream I posted the folowing in the outstanding The Midwestern Doctor: Aristotles says the major problem people usually have is to attribute the wrong meaning to the terms. Hence, if we are coping with a Retorical or a Dialetic paradigm, eg., it is essential to have the Axioms in mind and, furthermore, to keep strongly our beliefs.
Without those, a wile such as weaponizing language will likely misguide everyone. It is worth to mention a seminal book whose author is Maria Benedita Lima Della Torre, “Man and Society, 1977”; I could not help up to remember thereof, the first time I watched Doctor Mathias Desmet eliciting what “the Covid pandemia” was about, three years ago.
I am shocked the myriad of fallacies (like the Petitio Principii that Aristotles explains in The Órganon) the MEDIA and Government broadcast and worse, how lots of my colleagues Doctors cannot tell. I understand “Science” something one can squarely take over, something stablished, defined or understood all together. I mean, I will be the one people can “trust” under no caveats, if I am able to change the color and to sway the rings of Saturn.
I think Doctor Hotez is right when he cites Stalin [in his book "The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science"], after all, lockdowns and mandates have come from the country that has the very same political system thereof.
Beneath our faith and values, “education is the better way” like we can see in The Consilience Project [that The Midwestern felicitously recomend], very interesting, by the way. Because of that, I think the SPA (Socrates-Plato-Aristotles), like I usually say, is pivotal so that the future generations can stand a chance against the bunch of misdeeds we have been witnessing.