Wow. Since having 2 Pfizer vaccines this has happened to me. The doctors can't figure it out, I simply collapse. First I get weak, then I see floaters, then I go down. I was perfectly healthy without any cases of fainting in my entire life. Now, I see a neurologist once a month who simply treats my symptoms (intense migraines, extreme weight-loss, fainting, issues with bladder control, numbness in hands and feet and loss of breath).

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She is jabbed injured PERIOD!!

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Where is the evidence you reference because it certainly isn't in the "article". You can't infer a medical condition based on 6-7 "factors". Anybody in the medical field would laugh at this.

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Conjunction fallacy.

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We already have the pratfall for comedians. Perhaps this is a new one, practiced by handler and mcdonald and saget.

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"Her fainting spell was not COVID related."

Correct. It was "vax" and booster related.

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The real issue is that she clearly mocked God. Never Mock God! He is always in charge. And It's hard to feel sorry for anyone who takes Satan's poison and brags about it while mocking God!

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how many fainted driving??? I agree on the irony that God's love her more.....he might she didn't die.

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She’s likely not so smug about her injections including the shingles shot. I wonder if she’s gonna keep that segment in her act 🤣🤕🥴including that collapse? That was hilarious 🤣

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Shame on you.

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Definitely a strong possibility.

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You should see this short clip of Dr. Drew and Heather McDonald. Dr. Drew claims there are unusual side effects to the Covid injection that we don't understand. Seemingly the fainting is not uncommon 2-3 weeks post injection. At the time of her incident, McDonald was exactly 3 weeks post booster. They both seem to suspect the Covid shot and McDonald said she is done with the Covid injections. https://rumble.com/vupy7p-heather-mcdonald-booster-bragging-comedian-who-fell-on-stage-discusses-with.html

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POTS: I suggest Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which is a known 'side effect' of this jab and other vaccines led to both Heather McDonald and Bob Saget's falls resulting in skull fractures.

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If you're not familiar with Ken McCarthy's work, he runs great website called Brasschecktv. Today's episode is especially relevant to this discussion. On his donations page, at the very bottom, he has catalogued a video library of resource material that is absolutely astounding. https://www.brasscheck.com/video/analyzing-the-government-response-to-co-vid/

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This sounds very much like Bob Sagat's death. The family's assertion that he "hit his head and thought nothing of it" didn't make much sense. But now, in light of Heather's experience, it does.

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While certain doctors will deny any IC (innoculation connection), many ARE starting to connect the dots. WE know...

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