COVID "Myth Buster" series
My friend Marc Girardot has written a series of 9 COVID myth buster articles designed for the average layperson to understand. They may not convert a blue to a red pill however.
I’ve known Marc since shortly after I realized the vaccines were bad news.
He recently wrote 9 articles for his COVID "Myth Buster" series.
You can see all of these on his COVID Myth Buster Series substack.
Here are a few:
Safety (3)
What happens to those billions of NanoParticles you've become host to?
Two Fundamental Mechanisms that Explain Serious Adverse Effects Post-Vaccination
What could go wrong?
Designed for the muscle, inadvertently shot in the bloodstream - Good or bad : what do you think?
No one would ever accept permanent fever... So, why accept permanently high antibodies? It's a "Death Zone”!
Evolution has pruned out those with constant high levels of antibodies, isn't that a sign we should heed?
Effectiveness (4)
The Broken Vaccine Promise ... (Part 1) -
Vaccines are Ineffective to those who need it most
Can a shot in the deltoid stimulate mucus in the airways? The answer is "No" ... Then, how can vaccines be effective? (Part 2) -
A 30-year lie on misplaced vaccines
Natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced ...stating otherwise is disinformation (Part 3) -
Despite the false narrative, clinical data continues to show that natural immunity is best
Dangerous Children Myth (1)
Any Severe Covid Patient Can Produce More Virus Than All The Children in America Combined
Children were never a danger to society
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thank you for reading shawn663@substack. This post is public so feel free to share it.
Oil we are addicted to what oil gives us. The industry is far from done but consider 60% of a barrel goes to auto products, gas, diesel, lube products etc... Consider corporations do not plan for tomorrow they plan decades in advance. Consider not only do they plan decades in advance they also control the means to realize those same plans. Through manipulation of public opinion, what we see happening today with Vax/covid is a good example. Another is war which of course we see today and is one of the old ones.
Ok we know that 60% of a barrel goes to auto products. Automobiles will transition to electric, hydrogen and other means including mass transit either by willing participation or by coercion. We further know the worlds wealth gap is increasing. We can reasonably expect as the gap increases the average citizenry will be forced to choose staples over luxuries like a private vehicle. Population is decreasing and will continue to decrease, again by coercion or by the other means. Population decrease generally equals lessened demand for a product in this case oil. From this logical extrapolations we know over the next 2 decades oil will dwindle as the main driving focus of oligarchical power.
How do we maintain our income, we being oligarchy. We need a product that is critical to the population.
That product is health.
Imagine a population where you need to get boosted once a week. Consider the profit in that potential market. Its obviously a reasonable concept, its happening right now before our eyes.
The boosting isn’t for covid its for a variety of potential threats that will be promoted by corporate media. The pharma model is to replace the bio humans natural immune system with a synthetic immune system which requires continual maintenance. Of course its for your benefit. Ignore the fact that the boosters are actually causing your need for boosting!
Jan 1-7 is booster 1ab3 / jan7-14 is booster 45-7AZT(!) / jan 14 -21 is_______ etc…
please don’t mix your manufacturers or take your doses out of sequence, its for your benefit after all.
Health for rent. Seems unbelievable, I must be a lunatic.
So far over the past year the vax’d have paid rent(through taxes) 3 to 4 times in the hope of maintaining their health. It seems they are getting sicker and will require more interventions, that’s called rent increase.
Keep in mind its not free you pay for those shots with your tax dollars.
Please do not be fooled. Corporate media is allowing us to and leading us to believe this is an issue of L/R, Its not! Its about corporate profit control through legislation and control through oppression. The oppression being enforced by the enforcement arm of corporate interests which of course is government. These things have been on the legislative docket for 100+ years and cultivated by both sides.
Health for rent, speaking for myself I hope I get the twofer special.
if you think I have valid points please go to shawn663 i have other postings.
I'm a huge fan of the Myth Buster series!