These are PROPOSED guidelines for comment moderation
Please use the comments below to comment on the proposed comment policy.
There are three dots below every Substack Article. They can be used to report another person’s inappropriate comment or to edit your own comment. This is very important, please read and re-edit your comment if necessary. Report inappropriate comments and say why to help maintain a productive and pleasant comment section. Your help is much appreciated and allows the Steve Kirsch Newsletter Substack to have free comments. Here are some guidelines to follow when commenting:
1. Please be polite and civil. Typing on a computer can invoke a sense of dislocation – don’t let that overcome normal inhibitions of a regular conversation that you would have at the dinner table.
2. Insults for insult’s sake alone or a high number of insults in a comment or by a commenter will be removed. If a pattern develops the commenter will be banned.
3. Threats of violence or death are not allowed. It is understood that in the context of medical genocide justice by legal government will be discussed, but avoid naming people in this context such as saying a specific person will be tried and hung.
4. Steve Kirsch is looking for comments about the article, his Substack and related topics. Slightly off-topic is ok, extremely off-topic is not ok and may be removed.
5. Commercial spam and scams are instantly deleted and banned. However, if you want to recommend and link to a salient book, study, article or product relevant to the Steve Kirsch article or comment conversation that is not considered spam. Use common sense – the moderators will.
6. Well-meaning copy/paste spam is regretfully denied on this Substack. Even if your comment or link is good, do not copy and paste it many times. Once or twice is enough, no matter how good it is.
7. Super-long posts or posts with many links will be removed. Posting Part 1 and Part 2 won’t get around that rule, they will both be removed. It is suggested that you write your own Substack Newsletter – the title of it will appear by your name every time you comment so that when you make great comments, people will go look at your Newsletter. Again, use common sense as the moderators will.
8. Trolling is not allowed; trolls will be banned and any subscription refunded. Troll activity is defined by the moderators but in general, it is making ridiculous comments only to push emotional buttons, cause trouble and waste time. This includes repeatedly asking obtuse questions.
9. Racism, antisemitism and like posts will be deleted and the poster banned. It is understood that people who post these things will often try to be “clever” and “slyly” imply their inappropriate point without saying it outright. If you see something like this, please report it immediately so we can follow up.
10. Don’t recommend or post about committing illegal activity, it will be removed.
Remember the three dots below each comment and help keep free comments by reporting posts that break the rules and guidelines above. The moderators will remove or restore the comment based on their second evaluation of the comment.
We have a troll that should be reported on Steve Kirsch's substack. I'm not sure how to do that, pls d.m. me... thank you.
Are my attempts at humor/sarcasm ok? I feel it's my best tool for red pilling people.