The short story is that all of the COVID vaccines are unsafe: they kill more people than they save. And even if they were safe, using a non-sterilizing vaccine in the middle of a pandemic is nuts.
Early treatments have always been the faster, safer, cheaper way to end the pandemic. The key is early. Lots of protocols work. But they only work if you start them ASAP. Do this and you stay out of the hospital and you avoid long-haul COVID.
I was the main funder of fluvoxamine which is now proven to reduce your chance of death by a factor of 12, making it the most effective treatment for COVID to be discovered. I tried to tell the world about this in November 2020, after it was clear that it would save hundreds of thousands of lives with minimal risk. Nobody believed me. Now a year later, it shows I was right, and virtually everyone else was wrong.
Here we are with the vaccines. Most everyone says they are safe and effective. But a small group of scientists and me say that the mainstream is wrong and it’s costing lives.
The posts here will explain the story. You can also check out the vaccine and early treatment articles on my website,