Christine Anderson, Member of EU Parliament, is a hero for speaking the truth about the COVID vaccines
Listen to this 44 second clip from July 14, 2022. You won't believe it.
Christine Anderson, German Member of the European Parliament, explains what is happening with the aviation industry at this time: “This vaccine campaign— it will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history, and moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed.”
Check out the view count. I guess you aren’t supposed to watch the video.
Not sure how long it will up on Twitter before being censored as a violation of the Twitter Rules.
Here’s another truth teller, Bob Moran:
There is no doubt in my mind that Tony Two Masks Fauci, Deborah “Queen of Scarves” Birx, and Rochelle “deFarge” Walensky should all be tried for intentional homicide and crimes against humanity .
Folks please read this!
My jaw is on the ground. This Saturday morning I was at the laundromat in Western NC. The guy that runs it told me that 3 months ago his wife lost 71/2 month twins due to clots in the umbilical cords. She also had a stroke which at this time created a arm palsy and memory issues.
Yes she was vaccinated but I didn’t have the heart to dwell on timing etc. etc. I was literally floored. He said the doctors said that a problem with her gallbladder that had clots caused the issue. I don’t think he or the wife know anything about the vaccine issues. He blames the doctors and wants to sue. I couldn’t go there. I plan to go back for more discussion because I was too incredulous to talkfurther.
#2 then he brings up his 21 year old niece that has kids and she died not quite a year ago from a heart attack. He also lost his Sister about a year ago and I couldn’t get into that. I’ve got to go back and dig in. It’s surreal.