CEO of large Spanish pharma company bought a fake vaccine card
Why would someone pay a huge fee and risk a long prison sentence to avoid taking a perfectly safe vaccine that will keep him from dying from COVID? Answer: to avoid dying from the vaccine.

See this story which is all over the news in Europe, but not in the US. Here it is in Spanish. This is not fake news.
Now, here’s what you ask your blue pill friends:
Why would the chief executive of a very large pharma company in Spain pay a huge fee (it was set based on ability to pay) and risk a long prison sentence to avoid taking a perfectly safe vaccine that will keep him from dying from COVID?
All my readers know the answer: because he didn’t want to die.
Please, let us all know how your blue-pilled friends answer this question. Maybe we got it wrong.
To add to my previous comment:
I did a quick check, and his (large) pharmaceutical company specializes in Prescription drugs for central nervous system disorders and oncology.
Given that the Covid vaccines are notorious for causing central nervous system disorders, it is very likely his firm is actively involved in developing treatments for neurological injuries from the Covid vaccinations.
And then went and checked the specific drugs the company produces:
And an interesting pattern jumped out at me with the 3 drugs they make:
-One for treatment of patients with soft-tissue sarcoma and ovarian cancer.
-One for treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer.
-One for treatment of multiple myeloma.
One of the most common but typically unusual cancers I have heard friends report to me following covid vaccinations are sarcomas (I documented multiple cases of rare sarcomas occurring and healthy individuals immediately following vaccination).
Additionally, since the vaccine bio-accumulates in the bone marrow, I have heard of multiple cases of individuals who received stem cell transplants following the treatment of multiple myeloma experience a failure of the transplant following vaccination (one of my patients had multiple myeloma, add a stem cell transplant, extensively researched this chose not to vaccinate for this reason) along with cases of multiple myeloma on setting after Covid vaccination.
I read more on the mechanism of action for their drug for multiple myeloma:
And found this listed under the mechanism of action:
"Like all didemnin compounds, plitidepsin exhibits antitumor, antiviral and immunosuppressive activities. It shows promise in shrinking tumors in pancreatic, stomach, bladder, and prostate cancers.
Plitidepsin inhibits the human protein eEF1A which has potential interactions with multiple coronavirus proteins. Plitidepsin possesses antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in an in vivo mouse model."
So I think it would be safe to say your prediction was correct and that this pharmaceutical company has clear knowledge of how dangerous the Covid vaccines are along with intimate knowledge of the exact mechanisms of harm the CEO must be aware of.
As someone living in Spain I am concerned about how much attention this is getting.
Instead of admitting that the vaccines are an utter failure, we are still pushing the narrative that this guy is a bad guy for cheating the system and not looking at the true criminals in the situation.