Highly acclaimed peer-reviewed Bangladesh study shows that masks don't work at all
But we had to download the original data from github to see that because they didn't mention it in the paper. The bottom line: mask are a complete joke with no science to back it up. Pure politics.
The Bangladesh mask study written by scientists from Stanford and Yale is now published in Science!!! So now nobody in mainstream medicine can attack the study.
The nice thing is the study showed that masks don’t work, but you’d never know it from reading the paper. You’d only know it if you saw the actual data. And they don’t show you the actual data. They only want you to see the data that supports the “masks work” narrative. They do NOT want you to see the data that doesn’t.
When you actually look at the data, the study showed masks make NO difference.
We asked the authors for the original data and we plotted the results for purple masks vs. placebo.
Guess what? Yup. NO DIFFERENCE!

They never even mentioned purple cloth masks made no difference whatsoever. It had ZERO effect. ZERO.
Was this graph noted in the paper? Nope. It was NOWHERE TO BE FOUND IN THE PAPER!
This isn’t science folks. This is politics driving the narrative and it couldn’t be any more clear than this paper. It is Exhibit A on how to fool other scientists and the public by hiding the data.
Challenge your blue pill friends to explain the graph above
Go ask you blue pill friends to explain how, if masks work, you could get the results above. There’s no way.
They are welcome to download the data themselves at github if they don’t believe you. The authors clearly wanted to make it difficult for people to look at the underlying data. You have to download some expensive programs to look at the data. So that’s what we did to do our analysis.
The only explanation I’ve heard from a blue piller is “See, this proves that people who choose purple cloth masks over red cloth masks are simply much more likely to be infected than the general public. So when they put on the purple masks, it reduced their rate of infection to normal. That is why there is no difference.”
They have absolutely no data whatsoever to support that contention. It’s a hand waving argument that they pulled out of their <you know what>. Nobody has ever suggested anywhere that the color of mask you choose determines how likely you are to get COVID. If it did, the study is invalid because they failed to normalize for that. But the study was peer reviewed so it must be right (I don’t believe that, but most mainstream scientists do).
That is how bad the blue pill effect is.
No matter how bad the data looks for them, they’ll find a reason to ignore it.
UC Berkeley Computer Science Professor Ben Recht exposed the fraud in November, 2021
For more on the nonsense behind this paper, pay attention to all of Ben Recht’s blog posts. He’s a UC Berkeley professor in EECS. My statisticians say he knows what he is talking about. Here’s the key excerpt from one of his blog posts:
My stats people independently verified he was right (and you can see the graphs yourself in their writeup; these are the graphs the study authors didn’t want anyone to see).
For all of Professor Recht’s posts (well worth reading) and our confirmation paper, see:
Use common sense
Common sense says if you can breathe easily through it, it isn’t filtering.
Common filters used in homes and commercial businesses are rated in, for example MERV units. At about a fifteen MERV rating, a filter will remove all bacterial and even most, if not all, viruses.
Most household motors cannot push air through filters with a high MERV rating. Especially when they start loading with debris, making the motors work even harder to push air through them. Though it would be possible, if you increased the surface area SIGNIFICANTLY. Otherwise, you'd burn up the motor.
The recent flawed CDC study
Vinay Prasad debunked the recent CDC study on mask efficacy.
Here is what it concluded:
See the flaw in this? Cloth and surgical masks both have zero effectiveness in the Bangladesh study. So if N95 masks are 2X better (since 34/17=2), then it’s still zero.
Watch Vinay’s video for more on how bad this study was.
Still not convinced? Watch this video of two Marines testing masks.
For more info
My articles on masks with detailed references:
Experts on masks
People like Stephen Petty and Tyson Gabriel are experts on masks. If you want to protect yourself from a virus using a mask, the minimum is a P-100 filter on a respirator. The ultimate is P-3 filters on a PAPR which costs from $800 (for all the gear at MiraSafety) to $1,300 for the respirators used in hospitals (like the Imperial College in London) when they operate on COVID patients.
Note that nobody AFAIK has done a study showing that P-3 filters on a PAPR will prevent people from getting infected. This is most easily done with a challenge study using a “placebo” P-3 filter as the comparator.
DHS needs to start arresting doctors, mainstream medical academics, and the mainstream media. All of them.
The data makes it clear that virtually the entire mainstream medical community and mainstream media are spreading COVID misinformation and they need to be arrested by the DHS as domestic terrorists per their new guidelines.
These people are deluding the public into believing masks work, endangering lives.
DHS needs to be making these arrests NOW, before these people can do more damage. Where is DHS when you need them?
Forward this article to your blue pill friends
Challenge them to show that Professor Recht and our stats team are both wrong. After all, we don’t want to be spreading misinformation.
I would like a one page printable article with some studies linked at the bottom - the one page would explain in layman's term what each study means. A grocery store manager isn't a scientist; I'd like to hand them something they can understand. More than one page and their eyes would glaze over.
Another good one would be perhaps two pages to send to a medical clinic manager. These seem to be mask holdouts. They think they are showing how medically brilliant they are - actually it's makes me think they are medically incompetent. With all medical clinics forcing masks we have no choice but to seek help from medical idiots. They have the test machines.
Without getting to the minute details of this study, it was, to me, obvious the mask thing was a problem created by unqualified government agents early on.
FIRST, there was that the general population did not need masks, and only first responders did. Reasonable minds cannot fathom how it is only first responders needed protection.
SECOND, there were self appointed experts insisting we needed to abandon those silly N95's and other masks for surgeons' masks. Anyone who has seen surgeons masks and understands a LITTLE about air movement knew the experts pushing them were not experts, but just fearful, power abusing fools.
THIRD, in all the mask mandates, no criteria for what qualified as a mask that would protect against a virus was given.
For example, in my shop you will find a hundred N95's, four or five P100's, respirators for gases, for solid particles and so on. You will even find a full face mask and an air fed mask, which is just a mask filtered at another location. Also, you will find three dust collectors, each which came with what, in the industries, are called dust pump filters.
A so called dust pump is just a dust collector with such horrible filtration that all the dangerous, fine particles are put back out into the air. To get around this, we replace these filters with after market ones that, as a general rule, filter at the level of a half micron to a single micron.
These stock, dust pump filters filter at about thirty microns. In other words, they are chip filters, more than anything else.
Now go to the common bandana. I have no idea of the filtration level of such things, but, putting one up next to a stock, dust collector canvas bag suggests fifty micron might be pushing it.
From here, we can go to common filters used in homes and commercial businesses. These are rated in, for example MERV units. At about a fifteen MERV rating, a filter will remove all bacterial and even most, if not all, viruses.
Most household motors cannot push air through filters with a high MERV rating. Especially when they start loading with debris, making the motors work even harder to push air through them. Though it would be possible, if you increased the surface area SIGNIFICANTLY. Otherwise, you'd burn up the motor.
Now, think of us as these motors. We can be worked too hard, trying to draw air through fine masks. We saw that kind of ignorance and stupidity in sports, however.