ACTION ALERT: Protect Americans’ Rights to Medical Freedom
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HR 550, a bill passed by the House, would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of American citizens and provide the information to the federal government.
Since there isn’t a safe vaccine (as I’ve noted before), this is nonsensical. All of the research I’m aware of shows that people who take the approved vaccines are uniformly less healthy than those who refuse the vaccines.
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Here's something that is not mentioned much which came from someone's comment in the UK:
The Greek veterinarian running Pfizer/Moderna should really face the gallows. He's the driving force behind all the lobbying for discrimination and harassment policies against the unvaccinated, desperately trying to protect their health over profits.
Remember Pfizer's (Zoertis) Hendra vaccine for horses?
First the media was engaged (paid) to announce a pandemic, so deadly just being near a horse could kill you, they claimed. Owners were threatened, coerced and bribed to vaccinate the animals. 2 shots 6 weeks apart and then booster shots every 6 months. Vets refused to tend to sick horses unless they were vaccinated, owners were ostracized and not allowed to attend shows, mingle with other horse owners, etc., unless their horses were vaccinated. Sound familiar?
The horses began dying agonising deaths from the vaccines, others became lame, had seizures, became mentally unstable, etc. The more boosters they got, the more ill they became. Owners finally realized the vaccine was poisoning their animals. In the end there was no pandemic at all, no risks to horses or humans. As of 1996 only 100 horses have actually died from the so-called pandemic Pfizer pumped up while thousands died from the vaccines. It was all made up to sell the vaxx and Pfizer has done this over and over again. Pfizer is now emulating their worn-out old strategy on humans...
Pfizer has a long history of medical fraud.
Pfizer needs to be dismanteled and taken down. All their revenues must be confiscated and the executives jailed for life - or preferably, given the death penalty. The crimes Pfizer has committed are so severe it's Nazi level criminality.
Please read Dr Mercola’s newsletter today. wonderful news, scientific research and references on Vitamin D. Wonderful info from Surgeon General of Florida Dr,. Lapdo. Are we making headway?