ACIP meeting lowlights Nov 2, 2021
As I predicted, the ACIP committee unanimously approved the Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds. I wanted to document for posterity some of their biggest mistakes.
If you believe the CDC advisory committee is doing it’s job, my notes on the meeting are really going to be a huge wake up call.
The biggest mistake was thinking that there is no all-cause mortality risk from the vaccine. To know that, you’d have to look at the VAERS data. No such mortality was presented at all since the CDC doesn’t think anyone has been killed by the vaccines for any reason. This is the biggest mistake.
No mention of the NNTV… the number needed to vaccinate to save one life. You’d think that would be important, wouldn’t you. The committee never figured it out, but Toby Rogers did: 1,261,550. It’s literally the worst NNTV in the history of vaccination. Nobody ever asked the question. Even worse is that Toby determined that “For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.” I thought his analysis was sound. And I read the comments and everyone complimented Toby on the high quality of his analysis. In other words, we are dumber than a doornail by approving these vaccines.
No mention of the correct VAERS underreporting factor (URF) to use to interpret the VAERS data despite my numerous emails to the presenter that the URF is required to do a proper cost benefit analysis. They assume it is 1 meaning VAERS is fully reported. You can’t get an accurate risk benefit analysis using that. It is a preposterous assumption.
Maddie de Garay was mentioned by a public commenter who was paralyzed in the 12-15 clinical trial. There was no discussion that Pfizer gamed the trial.
They said that kids who got myocarditis were called by the CDC. Then how come nobody calls Maddie who is paralyzed for life? Nobody asks. Maddie is a hot potato to be avoided.
No mention of the BMJ article documenting Pfizer trial fraud.
They don’t believe that there is any other option to save kids from COVID than the vaccine. Early treatment never mentioned.
They talked a lot about kids dying from MIS-C, but admitted there was no data showing vaccination makes a difference.
They talk about long-haul COVID, but nobody mentions that the way to prevent long-haul COVID is early treatment.
They are going to roll out a vaccine formulation that was never tested in their trials. They are changing the formulation without testing it. They are switching the buffer from phosphate based to tris-hcl and they are changing the storage requirements to be storage for up to 10 weeks in the refrigerator. This may change things so it isn’t nearly as effective, but it would be safer. If there is contamination, bacteria is more likely to grow in a tris-based buffer and higher temperature storage.
They show a slide that indicates that myocarditis from vaccine is similar to classical myocarditis.
They said nobody has died from myocarditis. Seriously?!?! Ernest Ramirez would disagree. His 16 year old son died after having his heart grow by 2X. Basically when there are deaths, they pretend they weren’t causal. They can never find a link. Therefore, since they never check VAERS for death, and ignore myocarditis deaths, deaths do not exist.
Panel members think COVID is more dangerous than the vaccine, but there is no data showing that. They said parents would decide on that basis to vaccinate their kids. One tiny problem… Nobody can dispute my analysis showing the exact opposite is true that the vaccine is up to 10X more events per million doses.
Myocarditis is not the only SAE. There are hundreds but the CDC and FDA signal monitoring is so lame that they can’t even pick up pulmonary embolism which is elevated by 1,000X vs. previous years.
They admitted the CDC monitoring is so lame that it was the DoD not the CDC that picked up the myocarditis safety signal. Despite that total failure, the committee said they were “reassured to know about all these systems are in place for safety monitoring.” Complimented them for the most intensive safety monitoring in history.
A panel member said VAERS cannot determine causality. Totally brainwashed and believe whatever is on the CDC website without critical thinking.
One member said, “Even 1 child lost is too many.” What a shame they never even ask about all-cause mortality and overall morbidity.
Since they don’t know early treatment works, even a binary choice of a deadly vax vs. no vax should have picked the no vax. But without the URF being disclosed, it’s justifiable.
One panel member said it would be too risky to wait.
Nobody mentioned that the vax to be given to the kids is different than the vaccine in the trial.
Chair Grace Lee said that masks work. Would love to have that debate.
Tom Shimabukuro wins the award for running down the clock w/o saying anything that we already didn’t know. No mention of the URF.
Committee members are basically rubber stamps (they do have softball questions). I contrast that to a committee filled with people like Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Byram Briddle, … Now that committee would be very tough on the drug company.
Even though everyone knows D-dimer and troponin are elevated after vaccination, nobody thought to ask, “why aren’t we measuring this in the clinical trials since we know these are terrific biomarkers for injury?”
So if you think these people have your safety in mind and can actually cost-benefit justify their decision, think again. This is why none of the people who support the vaccines as safe and effective will debate any of the people on my team of doctors and scientists who are concerned about vaccine safety.
US, 2021 calendar year to date, < 29 years old only:
1. COVID deaths: 3186 (378 among <=18 years old)
2. VAERS-reported deaths related to COVID vaccination: 83 (13 among 12-18 age bracket)
Even if you assume 100% of VAERS reports are directly caused by vaccination (which isn't accurate), you'd need a URF of 30-38 to have deaths from vaccination equal or exceed deaths from COVID itself. It's not in dispute that VAERS under-counts mild adverse effects. But is it under-reporting *deaths* by 30-40x?
If so, applying a 30-40x factor increase to the all-ages US YTD VAERS deaths from COVID vaccines (n=5076) would give us an estimate of 152,280 - 203,040 deaths that have been caused by vaccination since vaccination began in 2021.
That would be an absolutely *astonishing* number of excess deaths. Especially if those deaths were broadly distributed across all age groups.
It's a level so high, it would be impossible for it not to show up in deaths per month in 2021; we'd expect to see spikes in mortality levels as people of different age groups began to receive the vaccines (e.g., 65+ early in 2021, then 16+ starting in spring 2021, then in 12+ starting in summer 2021).
But none of this is evidenced in any of the death rate data from 2021. Instead, two things stand out when you look at the data (
1. Most 2021 deaths in excess of levels seen in 2020 occurred **very early** in the year, before vaccination started, and in the August-September Delta variant spike. But in Spring and early Summer, while vaccinations were rolling out en mass to 16+, there were virtually no differences in deaths between 2020 and 2021.
2. The 25-45 age group, and <25 age groups show zero evidence of a vaccination-related bulge in deaths, as would be predicted by such high URFs, especially given other evidence that suggests younger males are among those most likely to experience severe adverse effects from vaccines (e.g., myocarditis).
Based on this, the 30-40x URFs proposed for applying to death rates must be rejected out of hand. It's impossible to say for sure, but anything in the double digits is exceptionally improbable.
Even at a 10x URF, there would still be ~4x more COVID deaths in 2021 YTD among < 29 year olds than from vaccination (3186 COVID vs. 830 vaccination).
I could not agree more. There has been too much cover-up and many nefarious things that have gone on in relation to all of this.