female 46 year old former "mickey mouse club" member dies of cardiac arrest at 46. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/mickey-mouse-club-tiffini-hale-dead-46

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The father of this 18 year old quarterback said that he did not die from "routine surgery" as reported, and they don't know what the cause of death was. The articcle said there was no autopsy. I wonder why the family did not insist on one, although apparently if anyone other than Arnt Burkhardt performed it, they probably would just make a finding of "natural causes." https://www.foxnews.com/us/georgia-hs-quarterback-did-not-die-from-complications-after-surgery-dad-says

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There is another 3 over the past 5 days

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The day when a very prominent NBA player collapses in the court...No one will be able to ignore it America...but I am not sure anymore....the fact checkers will counter that whoever it was sprained his ankle. Nothing to see here.

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What about the other 50% of “collapsees” who didn’t die? Heart attacks, seizures or simply heat exhaustion?

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LoveOneAnother, Do you have the notice or letter from FEMA bribing families to accept Covid as cause of death rather than vax injury!? Similar to the $39,000 provided to hospitals to handle the hassle of a Covid patient/ death? So, every level of government is involved? Here in Canada a family is calling for full investigation after young son just died playing hockey. Family all vaxxed but real mad now. In this war our strongest front line soldiers will be vaxed people who know injury and loss first hand and feel totally scammed. Some may have nothing further to lose.

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Quite criminal really. If I could relieve the entire NYT staff I would. The Busted News Initiative has many lives on it's collective head. They do not deserve to publish anymore, are destroying us with their silence.

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It's great to have big picture numbers like the 60 times increase. There is a degree of background noise for heart attacks on the field, though presumably, players dealt with dehydration in years prior to 2021 and presumably even dealt with COVID in 2020. Dr. McCullough came up with a background figure of about 4 myocarditis cases per million per year in the under 50 crowd. The argument on the other side is always some variation on the idea that A: Deaths and bad things happen (I'm sure they loved the case of the brother dying of a heart attack in 2018) and B: Weird speculation about new causes (climate change? COVID long haul? Look there's A big red fire engine going woo woo woo over there!) and of course C: Our bought and paid for experts assure us there is nothing to see here and D: Attacks on the person who questioned the jab. Somebody should resurrect that old drinking bingo game with the fact checkers arguments...

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If this keeps up... I might get to play backcourt for the knicks.

61, 5'10. White... and there's no white Privelege in the NBA

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Recently, a Dutch cardiologist was interviewed in a well-known Dutch newspaper (De Telegraaf). The cardiologist said that he had looked into athletes dropping like flies and saw no correlation with the jabs. Insinuations on social media were all fake news according to him. His explanation was that sports had gotten more intense, and that that might have something to do with it. Right... So in 2021 sports suddenly got so much more intense compared to all previous years. Makes complete sense.

He also condemned speculations on social media about a 14 year old boy who collapsed and died shortly after a hockey match. He thought it was disrespectful to the deceased boy's family. He said nothing about how disrespectul it is to not launch an immediate investigation into what is happening, or how disrespectul it is to expose young people who have negligible risk of an infection to known and unknown risks from an injection.

A newspaper article on the boy's death said: "Research from AMC hospital shows that Wouter's heart muscle had been affected and weakened due to a virus." I wonder how the doctors can be so certain that it was caused by a virus and not by an injection. Read the article (in Dutch) here:


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I am FUMING, I would have the head of the doctors on a fucking skewer

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It is incredible to me that parents, YES PARENTS, are not Immediately asking questions!? Are they not coming to any conclusions? Drugs and alcohol used to be the first culprits in young deaths but wait there was a drug? Wait? All the SAME DRUG? Oh, no, not a drug, a vaccine. Nothing to see here folks. No investigation to be made.

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In the US, FEMA bribes family members up to $9,000 to go along with the covid diagnosis for their dead loved one.

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Athletes are susceptible to this effect because strenuous exercises opens up the tight junctions in the myocardium (heart muscle) allowing the lipid nanoparticle inside. The lipid nanoparticles have envelopes of spike protein along with the mRNA which get into cells instructing them to make more spike protein. Spike protein is the toxin, it is the pathogen! Dr. Richard Urso discusses this in an excellent presentation here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/live-global-covid-summit-nashville-part-2_4165453.html. Go to 2 hr mark to hear him discuss this. If you really want to know what the hell is happening listen to the whole thing! The question and answer session at the end where Drs. Urso, Kory, Marik, Malone, Stock and other doctors who really understand this and tell the truth, answer excellent questions. I promise, you will learn something! Part 1 is excellent as well.

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this is so horrid but thank you for explaining re athletes and why, understanding is empowering.

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Ah makes sense. There is no water left anywhere. Why didnt I realize the correlation?

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The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation (The Self-destruction of 21st Century Totalitarianism)


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Steve, could you please discuss the Novavax vaccine which was recently approved in the EU? Is the modality safe? It uses spike protein. Thank you. Here's the link: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/nuvaxovid

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On Wikipedia I looked at a list of footballers in Europe that died during the game. It has gone way up in recent years, due to steroids I guess. Went down in 2020 because of games getting cancelled. 2021 has the largest number of deaths but the number they listed isn’t as much higher as you’d expect. Must be incomplete, or maybe it’s gone way up in the month or so since I looked it up.

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